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Developer Guides
Visit the guides section for detailed instructions on development and integration topics. Learn how to use the api, and build an incentive system for your application.
Developer Guides
Share Buttons
Allow your visitors to earn Bitcoin
Recruit promoters with just a few lines of code!

Quick Example
TonicPow.shareButton('myButton', options)
<div class="tonicpow-widget"
Wordpress Plugin
Install it from your plugins page, or download it here.
TonicPow Wordpress Plugin
Build your incentive system in minutes.
Create a campaign, and install our Wordpress plugin.
Boom! Display ads, trigger conversions.
  • Customizable Ad Widget
    Also acts as in in-place ad store allowing your visitors to rent your spaces. Place ad widgets that earn you Bitcoin SV.
  • TonicPow.js
    Automatically enables enhanced reporting, shortlink verification, and other benefits.
  • No coding required
    You can literally have an incentive program running within minutes of reading this. Ready? Set... Go!